


To be admitted to the Family Healing to Wellness Court, a child’s caregiver must file a Petition for Admission with the Mille Lacs Band District Court. After the petition is filed, the Healing Journey Team reviews the petition to decide whether to admit the caregiver to the program according to a four-step process:

Step 1. The caregiver meets with the Wellness Court Case Manager and once eligibility for the program is confirmed, the caregiver receives a substance abuse assessment and treatment recommendations, if needed.
Step 2. The Healing Journey Team meets and reviews the petition and the substance abuse assessment and decides whether to recommend admission into the program.
Step 3. Once the Team recommends admission into the Wellness Court, the caregiver meets with the Case Manager to develop a Wellness Plan
Step 4. If the caregiver agrees to comply with the program requirements and the Wellness Plan, the judge grants the petition and issues an order admitting the petitioner into the program.

Page URI: government/judicial/wellness-court/admission
Page ID: government/judicial/wellness-court/admission
Page UID: admission