


Noojimo’wiigamig Inaawanidiwag has four phases that start a child’s caregiver on the road to sobriety and sustain long-term recovery. Healing from addiction and learning new tools to avoid substance abuse takes time so the program can be from 12 to 18 months long. Although the program may seem long in duration, children are returned to the custody of their caregiver sooner as compared to the regular court process, which can take more than two years for children to leave foster care.

The four phases are represented by Ojibwe sacred medicines:

  • Phase 1—Asaama (Tobacco) New Beginnings
  • Phase 2—Giizhik (Northern White Cedar) Personal Responsibility
  • Phase 3—Mashkodewashk (White Sage) Cooperation and Accountability
  • Phase 4—Wiingashk (Sweetgrass) Completion and Sharing
    Phase requirements are listed in the Noojimo’wiigamig Inaawanidiwag Participant Handbook.
Page URI: government/judicial/wellness-court/requirements
Page ID: government/judicial/wellness-court/requirements
Page UID: requirements