

Help to Grow A Healthy Family

Noojimo’wiigamig Inaawanidiwag focuses on parents, guardians, or custodians whose substance abuse contributes to a child’s neglect or abuse—resulting in the family becoming involved in child protection proceedings. This voluntary, confidential program uses a team of professional and cultural advisors to collect and coordinate the services and resources needed to help a child’s caregiver become and stay sober.

Services Offered

Substance Abuse Treatment & Testing

Substance Abuse Treatment & Testing

Assessments for substance use disorder are provided, recommendations for treatment are offered, and random drug testing is conducted to support sobriety.

Cultural Connections

Assistance is offered to connect to Band cultural resources, traditions and customs, and Anishinaabe values to help in the healing process.

Counseling Services

Referrals are made for mental health assessments and individual and family counseling for trauma, grief, loss, anxiety, family of origin, depression, and other issues.

Medical Care

Referrals are available for patient-centered medical care through prevention, screening, treatment, and recovery services for those with substance use disorders.

Peer & Group Recovery Support

Support for substance use recovery with the assistance of peer supports or connections to a variety of recovery groups are offered.

Housing Location Aid

Help is available to address housing eligibility barriers and to locate and apply for housing.

Education & Employment Guidance

Referrals for assistance to obtain a high school diploma or GED, preparation for job applications, and to find employment are offered.

Parenting Time & Education

Coordination with Mille Lacs Band Family Services to ensure parents can have time with their child and to obtain education on how to parent better can be arranged.


Transportation for treatment, counseling, medical appointments, parenting time, and participation in cultural or family events is provided.

Page URI: government/judicial/wellness-court/services
Page ID: government/judicial/wellness-court/services
Page UID: services