Early Education

Mille Lacs Early Education is actually a combination of six different program options in all three districts, as well as the Child and Adult Care Food Program, or CACFP, which supports meal services for children. If you are interested in any of our program options, please contact Mille Lacs Early Education at 320-532-7590.

Federal Head Start and Early Head Start

This program is funded by the Federal Government and provides services for at-risk children ages 0-5 and their families. Some of those services include health, dental and developmental screening and early intervention services, education designed to meet the individual needs of each child using a variety of learning experiences, parent engagement and education in the form of Family Activity Nights and training opportunities as well as support with family goals, and family and community partnerships and advocacy. This program currently funds 80 children ages 0-3 and 53 children ages 3-5.

State Head Start

This program is funded by the State of Minnesota and provides the same services as the federally funded Head Start program. This program currently funds 33 children ages 3-5.

Early Childhood Family Education

Early Childhood Family Education, or ECFE, provides funding through the state of Minnesota and is a program for families with children between the ages of birth to kindergarten entrance. ECFE is based on the idea that the family provides a child's first and most significant learning environment and parents are a child's first and most important teachers. ECFE works to strengthen families. ECFE's goal is to enhance the ability of all parents and other family members to provide the best possible environment for their child's learning and growth.

Early Childhood Special Education

Mille Lacs Early Education works with area school districts to provide early intervention services. If a child is identified through screening as needing additional supports in their education, Mille Lacs Early Education will ensure these services are provided in the least restrictive environment and most culturally appropriate setting. Some of these services may include Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy as well as developmental supports, and more. If there are concerns about your child’s development, please contact Mille Lacs Early Education.

Child Care

Mille Lacs Early Education also provides Child Care Services for children ages six weeks to 11 years. Services are provided 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wraparound Child Care is provided Monday through Thursday before and after Head Start and Early Head Start hours and all day on Fridays. Child Care is not open if there is a Mille Lacs Band Holiday or staff in-service day and one week in August for our program pre-service. Child care services run seamlessly with other Early Education programming.

Early Education Brochure

Wewinabi Front Desk

District II Early Education

District III Early Education


Mille Lacs Early Education provides monthly cultural activities such as pipe and dish, pow wow, and more. Ojibwe language is provided in all classrooms so that children may hear the Ojibwe language. Wewinabi also has an Ojibwe Language Early Education classroom.


Elected Head Start parents serve on a board that works with staff and the school board to make decisions on policies and procedures for the Head Start program.

Early Education Director

Page URI: government/services/education/early-education
Page ID: government/services/education/early-education
Page UID: early-education