

This account is only available for members of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe 16 and Older. If you are a Tribal member and have not created a Member Account, click here to register for one.

You will be asked for your Name, Tribal ID, DoB, and the last four digits of your SSN.

        RWSESSID is b17b8aa6754c19ebd7c32b3d55add78a
care_did is 15778e97-5fd3-4d9a-9e00-6c92009de6eb

If you forgot your password, click here to reset your password.

If you are unable to create an account email dev@redcircleagency.com please included the error message that you have received in the email.

Something went wrong. Please try again.
There was a network error. Please try again.
A member could not be found in the record with that information. Please ensure you are using only the numbers of your tribal ID (do not include 410B).
This email address has already been used for another member.
The user ID was not found.
The confirm email token is invalid. Did you click on the most recent email?
Password reset token is invalid. Did you click on the most recent email?
Incorrect reset token. Maybe try to reset your password again.
Tribal ID already in use.
Invalid user credentials.
You have been locked out. Please contact a system administrator.
Login not allowed.
You still need to complete registration. Go back to the register page.