Isle Subdivision Design

The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Community Development office will be accepting Qualifications and sealed bids for the design of a turn key community water and sanitary sewer infrastructure system within the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Isle Community. This project will Develop a biddable plan set including community water and sewer piping and related infrastructure including grading, piping, manholes, lift stations, curb stops, fire hydrants, clean outs, etc. It will also include erosion control and a SWPPP plan, field special inspections and testing criteria, our proposed project will connect to the recent City of Isle water and sewer expansion project. The site is within District IIa of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe and is located within the city limits of Isle. The site has community water and sewer lines ran near its western boundary. The site is rolling wooded hills with some wetland areas. The site is located in Isle, Minnesota. Scope of work is listed below. Bids will be due Wednesday April 2, 2025 at 3:00 PM. Bids received will be opened and qualified by the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe on Thursday April 3, 2025 at 9:00 AM.

A mandatory pre-bid site visit will be held Monday March 10th 1:00PM at the Chiminising Community Center located at 2605 Chiminising Road, Isle MN 56342. Directions to project site: From Jct. Hwy 27 and #47: Take Hwy 47 South approx. 500ft, turn left on 131, go ½ mile, and turn left onto Chiminising Drive (site location).

General Notes:

  1. It is the Contractors responsibility to identify any and all discrepancies in the scope of work, not meeting Industry Standards
  2. Contractor is responsible for a thorough investigation of the scope of work.
  3. Contractor will repair any damage to the property or structure created by the scope of work.


Proposer Qualifications:

  1. Experience related to Water/wastewater design services:

a. Please describe the relevant experience of the individual(s) or firm submitting the proposal, including length of time in business and core competencies.

b. Please describe the relevant experience of the individual(s) or firm submitting the proposal in providing consulting services for Water/wastewater design services.

c. Please describe the relevant experience of the assigned staff in providing consulting services for Water/wastewater design services, whether with this firm or in previous employment.

   d.  Please describe the firms experience in working with Tribes or Tribally Designated Entities including any relevant experience of the firm, involved principals and/or any assigned staff for projects located on tribal trust land.
  1. Give a brief background and qualification summary for each key member of your staff that will be assigned work.

  2. References: Please include a minimum of five references. If you have previously worked with any Tribes in the last 12 months, include those as references.

  3. Disclosure of Claims: Please disclose any claims, lawsuits, or formal disputes for work or services previously or currently being performed.

Project Award

The rating factors and values to be used in award of this contract are as follows and out of a possible 100 points:


References 15
Relevant Experience 35
Availability / Proposed Schedule 20
Cost 20
Indian Preference 10

Format for Proposals

• Title Page: Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Water/wastewater Design Services Proposal, then list: your company name, address, telephone number, email address and primary contact person.
• Cover Letter: signed by the person or persons authorized to sign on behalf of your company.
• References: Provide the information requested and any other relevant information.
• Availability / Proposed Schedule: List a logical breakdown of project tasks and phased milestones.
• Fees: Fill out bid form completely. Total lump sum price should be a sum of all fees added together. If your price excludes certain fees or charges you must provide a detailed list of excluded fees with a complete explanation of the nature of those fees.
• Indian Preference: Any firm seeking Indian preference must provide evidence that it is not less than 51% Indian owned and controlled
• Sub-contractors: In the execution of the contract your company requires the hiring of sub-contractors, you must clearly state this in your proposal. Sub-contractors must be identified and the work they will perform must be defined. In your proposal please provide the EIN of the sub-contractor. Sub-contractors must meet the Indian preference requirements, and provide an Indian preference statement. The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe will not refuse a proposal based upon the use of a sub-contractor; however, we retain the right to refuse the sub-contractors you have selected.

Contract Terms
The Mille Lacs Band will negotiate contract terms upon selection. All contracts are subject to review by the Band, and a contract will be awarded, which outlines terms, scope budget and other necessary items.

The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe will award the contract or contracts to the responsible firm whose proposal is the most advantageous to the Band, subject to the negotiation of an acceptable contract and approval of the contract. The Band reserves the right to amend or withdraw this request for proposals in whole or in part; to accept or reject any or all proposals received or portions thereof; to waive any formalities or technicalities; to interview one or more proposers; and to obtain additional information to determine a proposer’s responsibility and/or capacity, and to negotiate terms and conditions with any proposer. All or part of a proposal may be incorporated into the final contract. Withdrawal of this request for proposal or the rejection of a proposal for any reason, or no reason, shall be without liability on the part of the Band for any costs, fees, damages or penalties or any other remedy on behalf of any proposer. All documents, analysis, reports, designs, drawings, specifications and other work developed in the performance of this agreement by Contractor shall become the sole property of the Band and shall not be used for any other purpose or released to any third party without the express written consent of the Band.

Work Scope Description:

Note: Contract will be written is such a way that the Mille Lacs Band could stop work after each major step in the process if circumstances warrant. For these purposes, the bid proposal shall be broken down for each step listed. Each step’s description of services will be classified within the Owner-Design Professional Agreement contract under the phase identified.

Surveying (Schematic Design/ Preliminary Study Phase)

Engineer will:
a. Determine Boundary of the site. (CAD and Arcview file provided to client)
b. Verify grades of existing roads serving the property.
c. Determine soil boring locations and determine ground surface elevations for the soil scientist.

Soil Evaluation (Schematic Design/ Preliminary Study Phase)

Engineer will:
a. Determine soil boring locations.
b. Conduct soil samples at the identified boring sites.
c. Provide soils report to client.

Wetland Mitigation (Schematic Design/ Preliminary Study Phase)

Engineer will:
a. Walk the entire property and review available information to ensure impacted wetlands are identified.
b. Impacted wetlands will be delineated in the field using standard methodologies as described in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. The boundaries of areas exhibiting wetland conditions will be staked and/or flagged with the wetland boundary flagging and appropriated documentation will be completed.
c. A sketch map showing approximate locations of delineated boundaries will be prepared and contractor surveyors will locate wetland flagging. Flagging locations will be GPS’ed using a sub meter accurate GPS. (CAD and Arcview file provided to client)
d. A report will be prepared to describe site conditions and justify the delineated wetland boundaries. This report will meet the guide lines recommended by the Board of Water and Soil Resources and Corps of Engineers. This report will also include a summary of wetlands, their significant characteristic and types.
e. If necessary, a follow-up site visit will be completed with the regulatory agencies to gain approval of the delineated boundary.

Preliminary Design
Engineer will:
a. Visit the site to characterize the existing site features and site constrains.
b. Gather field data to be combined with 2ft contour map of site generated from aerial photography provided by Mille Lacs Band
c. Review the following documents:
 MN Department of Natural Resources Protected Waters Map
 County Soil Map
 County ½ section and aerial maps
 City Street and Utility Map
 The Band’s Land Use/Building Criteria
 National Inventory Wetland Map
d. Prepare preliminary water plans plan showing pipe alignment grades, hydrant locations, lengths and sizes, and structure top and invert elevations.
e. Prepare preliminary sanitary sewer plans plan showing pipe alignment grades, lengths and sizes, and structure location, top and invert elevations.
f. Prepare preliminary lift station plans for the development.
g. Attend meetings with MLB staff and Band representatives, as requested by the Owner.

Final Design (Bidding, Construction & Contract Document Phase)
Engineer will:
a. Prepare Construction Plans suitable for bidding the project based on the Preliminary Plans. The plans will consist of water and sanitary sewer, lift stations, grading, and SWPP erosion control plan.
b. Prepare a SWPP plan for the site that complies with the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
c. Prepare cost estimate and bid tabs for the project.
d. Attend meetings with MLB staff and Band representatives to review plans and specifications, as requested by the Owner.

Construction Staking (Construction Phase):
Engineer will:
a. Provide construction Staking for sanitary and watermain and structures.
b. The construction contractor will be provided with cut sheets for all stakes set.

Construction Management (Construction Phase):
Engineer will:
a. Render Construction Document interpretations necessary for the proper execution or progress of those portions of the work designed by Contractor for reasonable promptness.
b. Provide observation of water and sewer installation activities for the duration of the project. This will be considered full time observation.
c. Provide observation of grading and street construction activities for the duration of the project. This will be considered part time observation.
d. Direct location and timing of compaction tests.
e. Verify field-measured quantities for payment to the construction contractor and review requests for payment.
f. Perform required weekly and rainfall event related SWPPP inspections for the duration of the project.
g. Attend on-site weekly progress meetings.
(MLB will solicit bids from contractors for the improvements)

Record Drawing (Post Completion/ Warranty Phase):
Engineer will:
a. Prepare a set of record documents (a.k.a. as-builts) using information furnished by the owner, the construction contractor and as measured by the Contractor, (including the invert elevations of culverts and field changes to the plans). This set of documents shall consist of the original plan sheets altered by striking out the original elevation or distance and printing the record information.

Lift Station

a. Contractor will design lift station including controls.
b. Provide observation of lift station installation and controls.
c. Provide start-up observation.

Time of Performance

The contractor’s schedule for preparation and delivery of the documents requested by the Owner shall be in accordance to a schedule mutually agreed upon between the Contractor and Owner, which will be established upon final approval of the MLBO Owner-Design Professional Agreement contract and prior to the commencement of any work.

Monthly Billing

Contractor shall submit monthly progressive billing, which shall identify the portion of work completed on each step. Lien waivers shall be submitted by Contractor as proof of payment to any and all subcontractors.

Interested bidders shall contact Mike Moilanen at mike.moilanen@millelacsband.com to retrieve the existing concept design and to be included on the bidder’s list in the event that any addendums are issued for this project.

Bidding Notes
Your proposals shall include the following:

  1. Engineering Firms Proposal, including a signed MLB Bid Form (see end of rfp).
  2. Copy of current MLB Vendor’s License. (or a copy of submitted application)
  3. Copy of current certificate of insurance for Commercial Liability of $1 million and Design Professional Liability of $2 million.
  4. Copy of an authorized signature sheet if one is not already on file with the Mille Lacs Band.
  5. List of Subcontractors.
  6. Any other information specific to the project as stated in the RFP.

All proposals must be sealed, labeled and mailed as follows:
Attn: Commissioner of Community Development
Sealed Bid: Isle Subdivision Design
PO Box 509
Onamia, MN 56359

Proposals are due in the PO Box by 3:00 pm on April 2, 2025. A public bid opening will be held at 9:00am on April 3, 2025 at the Mille Lacs Band Government Center.

Please note that the bids submitted via mail to the P.O. Box. FedEx and UPS will not deliver to a P.O. Box and the Onamia post office will not accept hand delivered items. Please plan accordingly to ensure the timely receipt of your bid submittal.



Firms must be licensed with the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. A copy of this license (or the license application) must accompany each bid. Licensing process can take several weeks. If you are not currently licensed with the MLBO, please submit a copy of your license application along with your proposal. Contact Elizabeth Thornbloom at (320)532-8274 or via email at EThornbloom@grcasinos.com with questions regarding licensing and for the license application.